Instantly Compare Mobile Phone Signals From Several Networks At Once

Check the signal you can potentially expect from British mobile phone networks.

 Check out this mobile phone signal checker. Of course, we centred it on Brighton.

The tool will help you verify what type of signal you can get and how good it will be given your geographical location. Networks often claim they have great reception but it’s always good to see a blended view as opposed to one network at a time.

How about if you are off on a business or sight seeing trip? You may not know what type of signal to expect. Actually, would you decide to bin off a holiday destination because the mobile signal wasn’t good enough?

Hold on there, before you make any rash decisions. Because you can see signal types and strengths of more than one network at a time, you have the option to pick up a wi-fi dongle from the strongest network.

The table includes results from Three, O2, EE and Vodafone. Looking at indoor and outdoor signal strength, you can see the status of voice, 3G, 4G and 5G signals. It’s easy to understand and clicking on the ‘See Coverage Map’ button will take you to the network coverage page of that network.