There’s so much technology around us that it can be hard to switch off.
The past year has lead to more phone use, more computer use and more zoom-fatigue as we were all forced (where possible) to work from home. We’ve had to learn how to set boundaries, or how difficult it can be to set boundaries between our work and home lives. The problem is how much we rely on technology.
Ironically, technology may provide the solution to our technological problems.
Microsoft have conducted research into the stress levels we put on our minds by taking and analysing brain scans. 14 people were part of the research and four half-hour back-to-back meetings on two occasions. The first time they did it without a break, the second time, they were given 10 minute breaks between meetings.
The results were startling, but not surprising.
When people got a break between meetings, they were less stressed out. The results suggest that shortening meetings and having some voice only meetings would help. It’s not in the research, but we’d wager that shorter meetings would be welcome under normal circumstances too. In fact, ‘stand-up’ meetings are popular in part because they help everyone to stay focused.
Set Boundaries
Breaks are important, but they’re just one part of setting of boundaries.
Instead of trying to fill every single moment of your day, if there’s a gap, relax. Don’t reach for your mobile phone, no matter how amazing and environmentally friendly it is. Take the time to be in the moment and enjoy your surroundings.
We are big fans of mobile phones, but they can be a distraction.
Major players in the smartphone market like Google and Apple, provide apps to help people monitor and if needed, limit the amount of time they use their devices. Apple diligently monitors the apps you use, grouping them into useful categories and reporting on it once per day.
Set boundaries on the amount of technology you use to make sure technology is our helper, not our crutch.