World Wide Fund For Nature Carbon Calculator

Check out the amazing carbon calculator from the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) and see just how much of an impact you’re having on the environment.

The WWF have a carbon calculator that comes in the form of a questionnaire to help us understand the impact we’re having on the planet. Acknowledging our planet is in crisis right off the bat, their carbon footprint calculator starts off with diet. The choices we make at the dinner table may have the largest impact on global carbon emissions. Because we all have to eat, we all play a part in this area of carbon production.

The questions are accompanied with diverse answers that allow us to choose options that are either very close to, or exactly match our behaviours.

carbon calculator diet question

Progressing through four sections, the World Wide Fund for Nature carbon calculator tackles

  1. Food (4 questions)
  2. Travel (7 questions)
  3. Home (8 questions)
  4. Stuff (6 questions)

Moving through these key areas of our life, the carbon calculator can get a pretty good idea of how much carbon we’ll be using during our daily lives. The questions adapt to your previous answers, leading to a far more accurate calculation than our basic carbon calculator.

In the travel section, there is a really handy guide to judging the distance you may have travelled across the globe. The carbon calculator needs a distance to make its evaluation, but as humans, we may not be able to give an accurate estimate since the distances involved can be so large. To help us put the options into perspective, WWF provide a handy image showing how far each distance would be, superimposed onto an image of the globe.

world distances visualisation

We especially liked question five of the ‘stuff’ section, giving a nod to our pedigree as an environmentally friendly mobile phone contract supplier turned green technology aggregator.

how much do you spend per month on mobile phone contracts?

The end result of the WWF’s carbon calculator gives you a visualisation of your carbon footprint compared with the world average and the UK’s average carbon footprint. It also offers the opportunity to download WWF-UK’s new My Footprint app on Android or iOS. You also have an option to see a breakdown of where your carbon footprint is having the biggest impact between all four sections.

carbon calculator home breakdown

Check out the WWF’s carbon calculator today and start making vital changes that give our planet a real chance of survival.

If you like the idea of the WWF’s calculator, check out the carbon calculator.